+91 98451 51888 India | Kuwait

General Surgery

General Surgery Options
We can give you access to high quality, low cost general surgeries, such as gall bladder removal, hysterectomy, colostomy, etc. We arrange all of the logistics for your surgery.  We currently offer  India and Turkey as destinations. We have partnerships with some of the best hospitals in these countries, including hospitals that have strategic relationships with Johns Hopkins and Harvard Medical.

Medical Tourism for general surgeries is commonly done thanks to the very high levels of experience of doctors that we can provide in addition to the tremendous cost savings. Some examples of general surgeries that we can help you with are:

Gallbladder Surgery
Hysterectomy Surgery
Colostomy Surgery
Ileostomy Surgery
Colon Resection Surgery

Related Procedures

Gallbladder Surgery

The Gall Bladder is a tear-drop shaped sac that sits beneath the liver. It collects bile, which is p



What is a prostatectomy A prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the prostate gland, or part of it.


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